If anyone is still out there checking our blog I am very, very sorry that I haven't updated for 6 months. I was looking at a few friends blogs and realized how pathetic I am at this but figured better to try once in a while than not at all... so here's the updates. In October we went to Disneyland and to the beach with Chris's family and I am posting some pictures of that. We had a great Christmas and all got spoiled, the kids all got bikes and webkins and life was good. Justice got balloons that stayed afloat for over a month after Christmas and he was happy because the little boy is obsessed with balloons. That was Christmas in a nut shell....
I should mention that on Halloween after we got back from Disneyland Abbi was able to get baptized by Chris! She is getting so old and I can't believe how grown up all the girls are getting!
Whitney has been playing Jr. Jazz and is on a team with all boys and has only played against 5 or 6 girls on the other teams, but she has done really well playing and holding her own with the boys! Abbi and Whitney are getting ready to start softball in the next few weeks and we are really going to put Sammie in dance starting the beginning of March. The girls are all doing really well and are keeping us busy, they are doing great in school and had a great time on Friday at their Valentine parties and I took the day off to go help in Abbi's class and clean up around the house. Justice and the girls went to Grandma Connie's house for the weekend and Chris and I went to St. George and helped my parents set up their new condo that they bought and to start lobbying for weekend and although it was a lot of work it was really nice to have some time without the kids. Otherwise we are just enjoying life here in Riverton and loving the ages of the kids, they are so fun and funny and keep us laughing all the time. I am hoping to be updating more often with what we are doing, but let's be honest I said that in August too.. I will try! And thank you to any and all of you that might still be checking on us via the blog once in a while. :)