Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A crazy busy month!!

Sorry, I have been so terrible about updating this blog, it has been so busy, I am behind on the last three birthday presents if that says anything! Abbi just turned 7 a couple weeks ago on July 30th and Whitney is going to be 6 on August 18th, next Monday and I can't believe how fast they are growing up! It amazes me that they are so smart and talented little girls, they are so sweet and kind and such good helpers, I am a very lucky Mom! I am also blessed to have Sammie and Justice who keep us rolling all the time, Justice is talking so well and is completely running our house now. Sammie is getting so excited to start preschool again with Mrs. Sarah and asks every day if it is the day to start. I am crazy busy with work and young womens and Chris is finishing up his last soft ball tournament with his allstar team and is already talking about fall ball and going accellerated with this group next year! Craziness! That is a quick update and as soon as I have a couple minutes to breathe, which I am hoping will happen this weekend I'll do a better update with a few pictures. :)


Wendy Wells said...

Oh my! You are alive! I know you're not that crazy. You just like to pretend Caelee!! :)

Jessica Mosteller said...

Sounds like you have been busy. It also sounds like a lot of fun. You are a super Mom. Take Care

Wendy Wells said...

What happened to the pictures? I've been waiting very patiently for this once in a lifetime moment!! :)