Okay so I know that I have been a complete slacker on updating our Blog so I am going to take a few minutes and do it now.... so here goes. Justice turned two on Tuesday, which is so crazy and I can't believe that my baby is already so big! Chris and I filled up 30 balloons for him on the night before his birthday and when he woke up he was so excited! He loved it so much that he didn't want to open his other present of a big boy cars bed and after he opened it and realized it wasn't so exciting he tried to put the wrapping paper back on! It was pretty funny! The girls loved the balloons too! We had a great evening later on with dinner at Carl's Jr. and then came back here for cake and ice cream with the family and Justice didn't want to open presents then either but after a few minutes he finally got to the toys and thought that would be okay so he got some fun cars and trucks! I loved the clothes he got and he looks so big and adorable in them! He is so funny! I am so happy that he is part of our family and I had such a great time watching him grow up! Happy Birthday Justice!
I can't believe how big he is getting. Where does the time go? Happy Birthday Justice!!
Happy Birthday Justice! I can't believe he's 2. It seems like he was just born yesterday! Wow!
Thats such a fun idea, how fun.
Cute idea, I bet he loved that! He sure is adorable! It was good to see you! We should do it again!
Hey there...I told Chris I'd get some wii numbers to him, but I don't have an email address. Please email me, and I'd be happy to send the wii numbers.
oh...email: teresa.cardin@jordan.k12.ut.us -- sorry for so many nonrelated comments! - Teresa
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