Monday, August 9, 2010
So it is finally sinking in... I officially gave my two weeks notice today and it was accepted graciously by my sister-in-law/boss. It is so crazy to think that in two weeks I will be starting as a Director for UBS Financial Services. I am so excited and I am learning so much through this experience! I am realizing that our value is ultimately established by ourselves and we can easily let other people under value us but it is up to us to determine our true worth - in every aspect of our lives! I am realizing how much time you spend with the people you work with and how they truly become friends and influence your life in a way that offers so much great value and worth and adds to your character to improve yourself if you let them. I am realizing how lucky I am to have been surrounded by such great people and only hope to have the same opportunity with this new position. I am also realizing how lucky I am to have such a wonderfully supportive husband and family. I wouldn't be able to realize my dreams without them! Thanks to everyone who has made me the person I am today! :)
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Summer craziness

This has been a crazy couple of weeks, Abbi and Whitney and Chris had a softball tournament over the weekend of June 25th and they did awesome! They took 2nd place and got a really cool trophy and each of the girls got a medal! The girls played well and had fun and then they played in another tournament this weekend and took 2nd place again! There is a Bountiful team that is really good and beats everyone by a lot of runs, but our girls are really giving them a run for their money and this last game they almost won it but weren't quite able to pull it off. But I'm sure they'll beat them this week at their tournament this weekend!
They also got to ride in the parade and I got to watch the parade with Sammie and Justice and Amoree and Mike and their cute kids and my parents and my in-laws and it was one of the funnest parades I have ever watched!
I went to girls camp this week and had such a great time! It was so fun to spend some time with the girls and get to know them better! We have so many great girls in our ward and they are amazing and it is wonderful how our Heavenly Father helps us to be in the places we need to when we need to! We had a couple of girls in a car accident that could have been horrible for them but they were protected and watched over and walked away with only minimal scrapes and bruises!
Chris and I had our 10th anniversary yesterday! It's great that we made it 10 years and I can't wait for the next 10 plus years! I love my husband so much and am very lucky to have him in my life! I love my kids and am grateful that they are in my life and are blessed with a great dad as well!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
I love summer!
So we took the kids camping this weekend and it was so fun! We had debated about going but I had some rough days on Thursday and Friday at work and really needed to get away for a little bit so when I got home and Chris and Mike had everything ready for all of us to go it was so great! We went to a place that was so pretty and we found a place that no one was very close to us and I bought some hula hoops for the kids that I found on sale at Peterson's on Friday morning and everyone had a great time! I didn't take any pictures because is couldn't remember where the camera was until I cleaned out the truck and found it but my goal this summer is to use it more and post more because I really do have cute kids and it is fun to show them off!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Sammie's Birthday and Kentucky

So for Sammie's birthday we has planned to go to Chuck-e-cheese but when we got there it was so busy that we couldn't get in so we went to plan B, we had dinner at Carl's Jr. and let the kids play at the play place then we went to Build A Bear where the workers the accomadated the unexpected Birthday party amazingly well and the kids had a great time! They really enjoyed making the bears and especially washing them and the party turned out to be a success, which was great for me!
My husband is wonderful! For my birthday he gave me the greatest present ever! He sent me to Kentucky to visit one of my best friends from High School, the wonderful Angela Bylund! We had such a great time, her kids are darling and it was so pretty there! I couldn't believe how green it was and it was great to just get away from everything and to just enjoy hanging out with such a great friend! Thanks so much to the hospitable Bylund family with some of the cutest girls in the world! I am really hoping Justice will be a good enough man that some day he could marry a Bylund girl because they truly are amazing and will be deserving of the best men ever! But what else can be expected with the mother and father they have! Thanks again Bylunds for a great time!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Perspective and my soapbox.
I know two posts in less than two months, I am on a roll! Okay not really great, but improvement from last time... So I went to "tool day" at school for the girls and I explained to 5 different classes of kids what I do and they were most excited that I get unlimited soda pop and a treat cart every day at 2:00 at my work. The whole concept of a mortgage/loan and anything to do with really went way over their cute little heads. It was kind of fun for me and brought some good perspective on my job that I have been lacking the last little while. I have been struggling a bit lately with why I do what I do and having a bit of a pity party, but having to explain it on a level that they understood made me realize that helping people get mortgages is a pretty important job and I will say this at one point I contemplated being a teacher and after today I realize it was really a good thing I didn't go that direction. I am very impressed with anyone who can handle 25-30 kids asking them a million questions and expecting 100% attention all the time. I struggle with the 4 I have all the time and I Love them! So to all teachers out there you are wonderful for doing what you do and for those of us that can't do that job thank you for doing it for us!!
Also in a side note we are heading into softball season and Chris is coaching Abbi and Whitney and it is kind of fun to have them play this year and know what they are doing! They are very cute! Sammie turns 6 next week, I can't believe my little girl is already that old! Justice is still a monster and spoiled as all get out, but that's not anything new. Love the kids!
Also in a side note we are heading into softball season and Chris is coaching Abbi and Whitney and it is kind of fun to have them play this year and know what they are doing! They are very cute! Sammie turns 6 next week, I can't believe my little girl is already that old! Justice is still a monster and spoiled as all get out, but that's not anything new. Love the kids!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Finally an update 6 months later...

If anyone is still out there checking our blog I am very, very sorry that I haven't updated for 6 months. I was looking at a few friends blogs and realized how pathetic I am at this but figured better to try once in a while than not at all... so here's the updates. In October we went to Disneyland and to the beach with Chris's family and I am posting some pictures of that. We had a great Christmas and all got spoiled, the kids all got bikes and webkins and life was good. Justice got balloons that stayed afloat for over a month after Christmas and he was happy because the little boy is obsessed with balloons. That was Christmas in a nut shell....
I should mention that on Halloween after we got back from Disneyland Abbi was able to get baptized by Chris! She is getting so old and I can't believe how grown up all the girls are getting!
Whitney has been playing Jr. Jazz and is on a team with all boys and has only played against 5 or 6 girls on the other teams, but she has done really well playing and holding her own with the boys! Abbi and Whitney are getting ready to start softball in the next few weeks and we are really going to put Sammie in dance starting the beginning of March. The girls are all doing really well and are keeping us busy, they are doing great in school and had a great time on Friday at their Valentine parties and I took the day off to go help in Abbi's class and clean up around the house. Justice and the girls went to Grandma Connie's house for the weekend and Chris and I went to St. George and helped my parents set up their new condo that they bought and to start lobbying for weekend and although it was a lot of work it was really nice to have some time without the kids. Otherwise we are just enjoying life here in Riverton and loving the ages of the kids, they are so fun and funny and keep us laughing all the time. I am hoping to be updating more often with what we are doing, but let's be honest I said that in August too.. I will try! And thank you to any and all of you that might still be checking on us via the blog once in a while. :)
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