Lyndsey and Wendy both tagged me so here are my answers clear back from forever ago, I just haven't had the time to get caught up... :)
Cute Husband information:
1. What is your husband's full name? Robert Christopher Opheikens
2. How long have you been together as a couple? Since October 1999
3. How long did you date? We dated starting in October and were engaged in March 2000 and Married in July 2000.
4. How old is he? 31
5. Who eats more? Chris probably, unless he has been cooking, then always me.
6. Who said I love you first? He did, and I didn't respond right away because I wasn't completely sure I knew what love was.
7. Who is taller? Chris is, he is 6'2" and I am 5'9"
8. Who sings better? Definitely Chris I can't sing to save my life.
9. Who is smarter? it really depends on the topic, he has a lot of useless knowledge while I seem to be pretty good at everything else. Just teasing...
10. Who does the laundry? Me
11. Who does the dishes? Me
12. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me
13. Who pays the bills? We take turns (I say mostly me, he will say he does just as much, but I tend to disagree...)
14. Who mows the lawn? Usually me because his allergies won't allow him to otherwise he blows up like the marshmellow man.
15. Who cooks dinner? We take turns, he does some nights, usually when I am working late and I like to try cooking on Sunday's and when he has softball.
16. Who drives when you are together? He does I hate to drive the truck and miss my little fast cars.
17. Who is more stubborn? He is for sure, I don't hold grudges, but he can hold one for years.
18. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? I am, he is getting better but for a long time he was never wrong.
19. Whose parents do you see more? Probably Connie and Mike (his mom and Step dad)
20. Who proposed? He did in a really romantic way, he took me to the Timpanogos Temple and then we went in a limo downtown and had dinner at the Carriage Inn restaurant.
21. Who is more sensative? It depends on the day, usually I am and I cry over everything.
22. Who has more friends? I do but only because I am more willing to put myself out there.
23. Who has more siblings? I have two brothers and one sister, Chris has one sister with the same parents, one sister from his mom who he is pretty close to and then his dad has 4 -6 more kids from different women, we only know a couple of them.
24. Where did you meet? Anderson Lumber while we were working together.
25. Where was your first kiss? Chris and I were dancing in his mom's basement and he put on the song "kiss the girl" from The Little Mermaid and when he didn't kiss me during the song I kissed him after it. It was a little awkward.
26. What was the first thing you said to him? Probably "Hi"
27. Where was your first date? We went on a terrible date to watch fireworks with my best friend and one of his friends but I had already told him that I didn't want to date him so it was very uncomfortable for everyone. For our next date I guilted him into taking me to Homecoming for UVSC and it was really a great night.
28. Where did you get engaged? Timpanogos Temple
29. Where did you go on your honeymoon? We went to Park City.
30. If you could have changed anything about it what would it have been? Nothing really, it was very fun and relaxing.
31. Who wears the pants in your marriage? I would say he does but it really depends on the situation.
Justice just got scared by some fireworks so I will be finishing with this tag, if I get a chance I'll do the other one.